Friday, November 2, 2007

What does sin have to do with our ministry?

Why are we so hung up on a person’s sin? If I meet someone on the street and they look hungry, and tell me that they want my money to get something to eat. Should I concern myself with their spiritual situation, or should I do what I can to get them fed? What is the right thing? What would Jesus do? I am not attempting to be sarcastic, although it is very tempting at this point, what should we do. What is the more important thing, making sure that this person gets fed, or concerning myself with their sinful nature?

I asked that to myself as this brother approached me one day. He was not well dressed, nor was he all there, it was obvious that he had been on the street for a while and things had begun to effect his mind. Not sure if he was on drugs, but that to me at the time was unimportant. What was important was the moment, and the opportunity. I was able to take him to Taco Del Mar, and get him all he could eat. I was able to do this and allow God to be glorified in it. Is my concern for the man’s soul, of course, but what was the main thing? What was the immediate need that I could meet?

As we go through our days we should take a moment and look at the world around us. Why are we worried about someone’s sin when they need help? Is it that we are afraid of getting our hands dirty? A we concerned with getting wrapped up in sin because we are afraid of enabling the other guy? Do we think that God is too silly to distinguish between the intent of our hearts when we gave, and the intent of the receiver consigning both giver and receiver to hell for two to five dollars? Are we that pious thinking that God is that stupid? Thinking that God will not reward us because of what the other party does? Who is the judge? Who really is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of man? Who really knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men (it’s the Shadow, didn’t anyone ever tell you that LOL).

Knowing that God does know, and knows how the homeless person or whomever you give to is going to spend the money, is it up to you really?? When Jesus gave, He offered no prerequisites, no strings. When he ministered healing, and even at the last, His life. He gave, and still gives no conditions. He just says come.

When we look at the sea of people there are to assist; when we look at the number of people who need God’s touch in a tangible way. Why do we concern ourselves with the magnitude of their sin? Jesus saw our sin, each and every one of us, and yet he did not worry about it, did not concern Himself with it, He came He saw, He died, He rose. He died we got the benefit of our sins being wiped from us, our record is clean, and we can open the door to others if we follow the Lord’s example, and ignore what we see, and focus on the reward that stands before, not just us, but those we serve.


Attorneymom said...

Just feed the man. Show him Jesus by feeding him. That is a no brainer. : - )

John Anthony said...

well you would b surprised how many people want to preach at the man as opposed to feed and then share Christ

Attorneymom said...

Johnny were the heck are you. Give me a shout on Character Corner. It has been a minute.