Monday, May 7, 2012


This is going to be a long and likely unpopular entry. I am just going to come out and say it, I am sick to death of the church being used by politicians to further their agenda’s regardless of who they hurt. I am sick and nauseated by those who call themselves ministers who prostitute the church to gain political power. I am tired of preachers who have no clue that the one they claim to serve would be embarrassed to own them as they pontificate as the Pharasees of old did. These have gone from opening a path for people to know the Saviour, to barring the way and locking all the doors, being those who callously agree to keep those who are disenfranchised in such a state for reasons that are political, not scriptural. How is it that we have so forgotten that the One we follow came here and ate, drank and yes partied with the same people, who today would be ostracized by the church as the Pharasees did in their day? Why is it that this is acceptable? Why is it that we have so allowed ourselves to be lied to, and for what? So some of those in leadership can gain political power to rule over people…Here’s the problem with that, Jesus while he did not run from His mission here, He did run from one thing, He ran from those who would use Him for politi:al advantage. (See John 6: 1-6) why is it that so many run to something that Jesus ran from? Why is it, that while preach about the love of God, we rarely show it to those who do not look like us? In this country we are quick to dismiss those that are disenfranchised, in Jesus’ day it was prostitutes, tax collectors, publicans and the like. In America in the 21st century we have the porn star, the woman who got an abortion, the divorcee, the single mother, and yes, the homosexual. In this country we practice something that I have labeled Americanized christianity, (I use the small c because this denomination practices a version of Christianity that the Apostles would not recognize). It is the unofficial official state religion, and that is a problem, a huge problem… We are supposed to be different from the culture, tell me how can we be different if we preach the same thing that the politicians preach? How is it that we can wrap ourselves in the flag of a nation, any nation and feel that we are actually doing Kingdom work? How is it that the language of politics has made its way into our midst? Did we not recall the lesson that Paul taught to the Colossians where he told them that they should not allow themselves to be overcome by the rudimentary elements of the culture in which they lived? (see Col 2:20) Why is it that we have come to feel in this country that to be an American one has to also be a christian? How is it that we have bought into the lie that so many politicians have told that “America is the shining light leading the way to freedom”, or the one they told that America is the worlds last best hope”? Both of those things are lies because we know that both of those things are reserved for one person and one person only Jesus Christ, and yet so many of us remain ever so silent, while others force the church on her back and allow her to be raped of her influence, make her of none effect because lets face it many in the world when they hear the fact that you are a christian and American a certain image fills their minds, and its not at all one that reflects the Kingdom of God. How has this happened, how is it that the church is now viewed as nothing more than a symbol of political power run amuck? Why is it that we cannot find it within ourselves to minister to the groups that are marginalized? Who are we to stand in judgment? How is it that we have suddenly become the guardians of morality? How is it that we feel free to pass judgement on groups because they exist outside the doors of the church? Why has preaching the gospel often become exercises in who can be the most boorish? Even Paul when he preached knew that in order to reach his audience he had to use their own philosophy in order to bring forward the message of the gospel. Why is it that we would rather run people away from the church rather than go out and lovingly serve, lovingly draw? Just this evening a prominent pastor feel s that instead of walking, instead of serving, instead of ministering, this man wants to throw people in jail for no other reason other than they are homosexual. Really!!???!! Is this what being a christian in this country has come to? To borrow a phrase from some of these men, there needs to be some repentence but from inside the church first rather than the outside it seems we have forgotten why we are here, and truth be told we really need to reclaim it. The church has got to stop letting these so called men of God get away with the nonsense that they have. The church needs to stop enabling these men , Jesus said of the Church at Ephesus : 2 To the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Ephesus write: These are the words of Him Who holds the seven stars [which are the messengers of the seven churches] in His right hand, Who goes about among the seven golden lampstands [which are the seven churches]:2 I know your industry and activities, laborious toil and trouble, and your patient endurance, and how you cannot tolerate wicked [men] and have tested and critically appraised those who call [themselves] apostles (special messengers of Christ) and yet are not, and have found them to be impostors and liars. (Rev 2:1-2). Here is my point in a nutshell when is it that the church will wake up and actually shake herself and realize that she is being used by men who mean only to do one thing, gain in power politically, by any means necessary even if it means the use of slander, innuendo, and hate.

Monday, May 19, 2008

What is the "social" Gospel?

Is there such a thing as a Social Gospel or have we as the church simply fallen for the okey doke? I wonder, why is it that there is more being taught about how to get rich in the church, rather than dealing with things that God obviously finds important. It amazes me how we in this country and yet name the name of Jesus Christ have allowed ourselves to be co-opted, by the culture of materialism. Now first let me say this and qualify this post.
I am not against the wealthy
I believe that God does bless people with wealth for a reason
It is more important to God what you do with what you have, rather than getting you to a place of wealth.

One thing that I have noted in researching this so called social gospel there are more imprints of those with political asprirations than theological thought. I am amazed at how the church has allowed herself to become so mired in political life. It is both sad and shocking to see how we have left our first love, and become engaged in political thought that really is not real thought anyway. Have we become so thoughtless that we are allowing ourselves to be ruled by one or two issues? We have been taken in by the lies of men who do nothing but promise much but deliver little.

What about the poor, what about the homeless, the widow, the alien, the orphan? What happened to these? Why are we more interested in our own prosperity, and care little for the groups that I mentioned, the groups who by the way God says that He will personally rise to defend?

Why is it that we spend more time talking about what we are against, and very little time talking about what we are for? Is that the example we have from Jesus? Would Jesus pander to politicians who pander to us for votes, and yet their own lives are in total disarray? One has to spend little time going through the lives of those who depend on our votes to see that while they say a lot, what the perform is seriously lacking.

Why is it acceptable that men who call themselves pastors and bishops and apostles, and prophets, and teachers, are able to drive in cars that would put most men to shame, meanwhile their members can hardly put bus fare together to catch the bus to church. How is it that these same men are able to live in multi million dollar houses, and yet some of their members are on the street, or one missed paycheck from being on the street? Is this how it was meant to be? Is this the church that so much was paid for?

The early church wiped out poverty…. YES I SAID IT WIPED IT OUT. Want proof check out Acts 4:32-35

32Now the company of believers was of one heart and soul, and not one of them claimed that anything which he possessed was [exclusively] his own, but everything they had was in common and for the use of all.
33And with great strength and ability and power the apostles delivered their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace (loving-kindness and favor and goodwill) rested richly upon them all. 34 Nor was there a destitute or needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses proceeded to sell them, and one by one they brought (gave back) the amount received from the sales

35And laid it at the feet of the apostles (special messengers). Then distribution was made according as anyone had need. (emphasis mine)

over and over again the church celebrated the life of Christ, not by allowing one man’s greed to make him use God’s people to make sport of them, but by making sure all the needs of the whole were taken care of. Are we so fearful of what that would mean? Are we so wrapped up in the materialism that this world brings about that we are not willing to help those around us, both inside and outside our four walls.

17For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, the terrible God, Who is not partial and takes no bribe.
18He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger or temporary resident and gives him food and clothing
19Therefore love the stranger and sojourner, for you were strangers and sojourners in the land of Egypt.

Have the politics of the day so diluted our mission in this world that we are able to close our eyes to the big picture. We listen everyday to news reports of how many people are now living in poverty, how many people leave their country and enter into ours be by legal or illegal means. We hear stories of single parent homes, and children who live without fathers. (Whatever happened to Deut 10:18-19. Its amazing how people are willing to run to Leviticus for one thing, and ignore other passages that speak of what is required of us. Selective memory anyone) We hear the risk involved in situations like that, What do we do?

We have failed just about every group I just mentioned most of us being sidetracked by so called men of God who have long ago left their true mission and taken on a mission to amass either power or money. Men who call themselves teachers, but in many respects play the fool.

When will we wake up? There is a world that needs us, to be as Jesus was. He spoke harshly to the religious world because of their hypocrisy. To those who came to Him broken and battered, sin sick and shamed, He showed mercy. He was a friend. Would that we could show the world what Christ really looks like, how He really is. How His love is everlasting, how His mercy is extended to all. What saddens me most of all is that many will read this, and will take it the wrong way, and that is cool. If you have questions you are welcome to send me messages, I do not get bent out of shape over questions. Ask away. The time is coming and even now is, where we must all make a choice between what is right and what is easy. It is easy to ascribe political notions to spiritual matters. That is easy. To do nothing while the world around us dies, that is easy.

We have pastors who do not act as pastors but rather are more concerned about political power than they are about the world that exists outside their churches, or for some their compounds. Should not our pastors and those who have leadership of the church be more concerned with the aspects of the poor than politics? Should not the plight of the homeless spur them forward to work harder at building programs that protect them and see them indoors, rather than attempting to use political power to close doors to those who have little or no power of their own? To the pastors that read this, when are you going to realize that you are not professionals? When is it going to dawn on you that your calling is not negotiable, is not to be pimped or prostituted out to gain favor with politicians? When are you going to wake up and start really doing your jobs? Not all of you are guilty but there are so many of you who are that really makes it difficult to see who is actually serving their communities and who is merely serving themselves.

Its funny how we have given names to things like “social” gospel. In the first century, they did not apply such labels, but it just goes to show how we have allowed politics and the platforms of one party in particular to infiltrate the church. Why is it social? Why are so many in leadership threatened by it? These are obvious questions that demand answers. Why is it suddenly looked upon as inappropriate to help the homeless, to assist the widow, to actually care about and for the alien? We are supposedly a “christian” nation, and as such should we not care about them? Since when do the laws of men trump the standard that God sets up? Just some questions to make you think a little. Have fun its gonna be a long summer.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

On Creflo, Eddie, Joyce, Kenneth, Benny, and Paula and the mess not saying NO has gotten them into

What amazes me about the Creflos and Eddies and the others is that they either are incapable of saying the word no, or refuse to use the word. 3 million is a lot of money. Why is it that we confuse the western version of Christianity, with Christianity world wide? Please tell me where in the Bible does it say “ get all you can while the getting is good because enough just isn’t enough? I thought Paul said that we are to be content in whatever state we find ourselves.

I find the greed of some preachers not only distasteful, but extremely dangerous. Why? Because they are able to take our focus off the things that really matter. I read an article on Charisma magazine’s website, that did the following

identified an issue
named the rationale, and in some ways touted a party line (political party line)
Offered no real rational solutions

I find that this is true of almost every defense our so called leaders offer. They deflect, and they obfuscate in hopes of people not having the attention span to really challenge, and hold them accountable.

It is ridiculous that in a city the size of Atlanta, there is a pastor who is paid more than a million dollars, drives around in a 125K automobile, and then has the nerve to say that he is all about ministry, meanwhile not that far from his church there is desparate poverty, huge drug use, and where he could be a voice he is noticablty silent, obviously careless, (he could care less about the people around him). And he blames the people around him who pay him for doing it all rather than taking personal responsibility and making a much needed change. 3 million dollars can purchase food for a lot of hungry children. It can supply healthcare for lots of children in Atlanta, not to mention provide housing to thousands of homeless. But is he thinking about them, I would dare say no! How do I know this, because if he were thinking about them, he would have done something by now!

It is sad but true, beneath the spires of hell itself there are demons who are giggling their tails off because we are too blind to see the truth that they work so hard to hide from us. And that truth is a simple one


The pastor who wrote the series of Purpose Driven books actually got it right. He made millions, some estimates say tens of millions of dollars, on his books. Does he live on a mansion in the LA hills, did he buy himself a Benz or a Mabach, the answer is NO!!!

He gave that money to his church, even repaying the salary that he had been given for 20 years. He now pastors for free. And it did not stop there, he tithes 90% of what he makes and lives off of 10%. Now if he can do that, why then does Creflo, Eddie, Joyce, and the like have that issue, of feeling that enough just isn’t enough. He did not even buy a jet, he flies on commercial. I find that it is when we totally remove ourselves from the world we are called upon to touch, that we lose the focus of the mission that we are on. When we become afraid to get our hands dirty in the healing of not just the church, but the world outside the church we find that our character becomes corrupted and co-opted by this world’s system. I pray that in the midst of all this that Eddie, Creflo, and the like can really seek God, although I am really concerned about Creflo, because he has made some statements that make him sound more like a Jehovah’s witness more than a Christian, but that is another post. In the meantime be encouraged, and make sure that in your own walk that you seek out those things that are by far weightier matters, than wealth, and riches. It is all about being Christ to those who do not know Him, and I fear that there are more of those in this country than we know only because they have been presented with a veneer, and when the veneer is pulled back, what you see is rotten wood, or as Jesus Himself said when describing the pharisees, "dead men's bones".

*Please see the definition of soteria, the greek root word we get the word salvation from.

Friday, November 2, 2007

What does sin have to do with our ministry?

Why are we so hung up on a person’s sin? If I meet someone on the street and they look hungry, and tell me that they want my money to get something to eat. Should I concern myself with their spiritual situation, or should I do what I can to get them fed? What is the right thing? What would Jesus do? I am not attempting to be sarcastic, although it is very tempting at this point, what should we do. What is the more important thing, making sure that this person gets fed, or concerning myself with their sinful nature?

I asked that to myself as this brother approached me one day. He was not well dressed, nor was he all there, it was obvious that he had been on the street for a while and things had begun to effect his mind. Not sure if he was on drugs, but that to me at the time was unimportant. What was important was the moment, and the opportunity. I was able to take him to Taco Del Mar, and get him all he could eat. I was able to do this and allow God to be glorified in it. Is my concern for the man’s soul, of course, but what was the main thing? What was the immediate need that I could meet?

As we go through our days we should take a moment and look at the world around us. Why are we worried about someone’s sin when they need help? Is it that we are afraid of getting our hands dirty? A we concerned with getting wrapped up in sin because we are afraid of enabling the other guy? Do we think that God is too silly to distinguish between the intent of our hearts when we gave, and the intent of the receiver consigning both giver and receiver to hell for two to five dollars? Are we that pious thinking that God is that stupid? Thinking that God will not reward us because of what the other party does? Who is the judge? Who really is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of man? Who really knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men (it’s the Shadow, didn’t anyone ever tell you that LOL).

Knowing that God does know, and knows how the homeless person or whomever you give to is going to spend the money, is it up to you really?? When Jesus gave, He offered no prerequisites, no strings. When he ministered healing, and even at the last, His life. He gave, and still gives no conditions. He just says come.

When we look at the sea of people there are to assist; when we look at the number of people who need God’s touch in a tangible way. Why do we concern ourselves with the magnitude of their sin? Jesus saw our sin, each and every one of us, and yet he did not worry about it, did not concern Himself with it, He came He saw, He died, He rose. He died we got the benefit of our sins being wiped from us, our record is clean, and we can open the door to others if we follow the Lord’s example, and ignore what we see, and focus on the reward that stands before, not just us, but those we serve.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Personal observations, epiphanies, stands and why don't we do what we are mandated to do

I have in the past six months lost a great deal and gained a lot in return. In March of this year I lost the one person that I would want to be proud of me. I lost my dad, he was eighty, he was a pastor, he was a the one who created half of me (my momma is responsible for the other half). He’s the one who took me aside at age three and taught me to read. The first book he taught me to read, my first red reader book, the Bible. And not the NIV or RSV he was old school, he brought down the KJV. At three learning to read old English and trying hard not to speak it at the dinner table was interesting. He is the one who taught me how to write, how to write my name. While the other kids in kindergarten where using clay to write their names, I was using it for that purpose and making little bowls with the rest. LOL. I still miss him greatly, I am not totally over his passing, but I have made sure that I do not occupy the same plot as he does. The last time I saw him, he told me for the first time that he loved me. I think of it now here at work, and I am tearing up. In the 38 years that I had with him, he never really told me that he loved me. but I learned after I left home, I mean really left home and moved half a continent away how much he really meant to me. I recall one incident after I left and he told me that he missed me and that he finally knew how his mom felt when he left Mississippi to go to Chicago in the 40’s. I still remember standing in the driveway of my then fiance’s house, and once I got off the phone running to where she was, and crying like a spanked baby. I was not close to him while I was coming up, I did not always understand why he did what he did to raise me, but I look back on it, and I would give anything to tell him thank you.

Two months after my dad’s passing I lost my uncle, and two months after that I lost one of my cousins. Its been a hard year. A lot of time spent using Kleenex, (those of you who own stock in the company owe me greatly).

Anyway in the middle of all this I had an epiphany. I was here at work in the location that I absolutely love being in, and the thought occurred to me that I might not ever live in the same place as my mother ever again. The question became is that something that I could live with? Would I be willing to deal with that in order to achieve something better, could I let go of the idea of taking care of my mother( now do not get me wrong, I have an older brother. He is eleven years older than I am, he has a family, wife two kids. With me its just my wife and I. I thought about going home to help take care of my mom and my aunt who live in the same building, my aunt is 82 my mom is 80. And I am being asked if I could live with not being there. The payoff was that if I stayed I could help start something here, that I could eventually take back there. Not so much where I work because I see this as a means to an end. I am a IT specialist with the federal court here in Seattle/Tacoma. It pays quite well, and could be used to move into something that has now become my passion, providing ministry opportunities for the homeless for the children, for single mothers, for homosexuals, and for the poor. A the nameless people we often pass in the street afraid to help because we are more afraid to worry about some sin that often times is both nonexistent and done only in the theater of our minds. We should keep in mind when we do not open our hearts to assist someone who cannot or is not able to help themselves, we do not do it to them but to the Lord Himself. When we look into the eyes of that homeless person who we walk to the McDonalds or to the taco bell or to where ever we might take them to get something to eat, we look not into their eyes but the eyes of the Lord. When we look into the eyes of the single mom who we buy groceries for, or give a Thanksgiving day basket that resembles the meal we may have that day we look not into that sisters eyes, but the Lord’s. When we help that child with his or her homework, we look not into that child’s eyes, we look into the Lord’s. If we took that verse seriously we would fight over who we help, we would be doing as Paul says we would make each other jealous to do more and more good works. Not in an effort to make it into heaven, because that work is done by Grace. The works show part of the evidence of a changed life, a life that is wrapped up in being like the Father who gave His Son. Willing to give all that we can to reach out to a world, unafraid to get our hands dirty. Jesus who knew no sin came down, and got dirty becoming like us except no sinning, and then became the embodiment of the sins of all of us in order to kill it and remove it from us.

Our job is to minister without prerequisite, none was given to us. The Savior merely bids of come, He does not require us to clean ourselves up, that is the work of sanctification, it is a process that takes a lifetime. Why is it that sometimes we become barriers to Christ, keeping people away because we feel they are not clean enough, not good enough, not conforming enough, their praise aint real enough. Dietric Boenhoffer (not quite sure of the spelling) said this “The church is only the church, when it exists for other people”. What does this mean? Simply put, it aint about me, it aint about you, its about those who are outside the four walls that we call a church, and until we really deep down get that, we will continue to fail when it comes to making an impact on the world around us.

Ok Its been a while

Ok I started this more than a few months ago when I was exposed to the idiotic and less than honest rantings of one G. Craige Lewis. He truly is not that important in the scheme of things but there are many like Lewis who prey on folks in the black church who want to do right and yet for some reason, check their thinking skills at the door, and just turn their reasoning faculties at the door. This is not to mean that we should not take some things on faith, on the contrary we are told that there are certain things that we need to think on and consider. (Things that are True, Honest, Just, Pure, Lovely, Of Good Report, if there be any virtue or praise, we are advised to think on those things). However I cannot help but think that we are not to check our brains at the door, and just accept whatever comes across the pulpit as gospel truth.

I have a problem with some of the stuff that comes across pulpits masquerading as gospel truth. I have a problem where you can have twenty to thirty churches within a five square mile area of a city, and yet have drugs prostitution, homeless people, gangs and the like and yet the pastors of the fifty or so churches that might reside in that square milage area,

1. don’t get along
2. cannot agree because of number one.
3. Refuse to work on number so they can get rid of number two
4. Are too caught up in their own fame to recognize that there is a real issue.
5. Are too afraid to do anything to help because they are worried about how it might look
6. looking at dollar signs

Where is the outrage that there is not more being done for the poor? Where are the marches sponsored by the church over the whole SCHIP bill? Why do preachers preach so much about the unborn, and yet are so quick to not raise a finger to help the children who are already here, already suffering through this life. It amazes me what men will do to gain control. So here is my question. Do you take everything your pastor tells you as gospel truth without first investigating it yourself? Or do you blindly follow the man of God thinking that he would not knowingly mislead?

Keep in mind this is not going to be a mini gossip blog like pulpit pimps where some people go to complain about their church situation while doing little if nothing to change it. I am actively working on doing what I can to solve a lot of the issues that will be brought up in this blog, and I invite you to come with me on this journey.

Until next time and I promise that it will not be a four month wait, besides I think some of my new friends from the Blog What about our daughters are not going to let me off the hook, and to them I give a resounding, THANK YOU!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Why this spot exists

I have in the past few months encountered a lot of information on the web that demands answers. Unfortunately there are pastors and so called apostles and prophets who take advantage of people who sincerely want to serve God and live a life that pleases Him. I have found especially in the black church, (I have a unique prospective because I am a product of the black church, the son of a pastor, the brother of another pastor, the grandson, and great grandson of two other pastors, the nephew of another, and cousin to several others).
In the black church I have found that members of the clergy have an issue with teaching truth to thier members. Here is my perspective on the reason, as time goes on I expect that others who visit here will give thier own take on this, I am open to questions because unlike members of the clergy, I believe that people should be critical thinkers. Jesus trained His disciples to be critical thinkers, why, because He knew what they were going to be up against, He understood that when they went out of the confines of Jerusalem, that they were going to run up against the Greeks and other philosphies of the day.
I fear however that people who are critical thinkers in the church today are taught to not question "the man of God". Here I am about asking questions, and I am about exploring the truth of the Word for ourselves. Why is this important, we are told to work out our own souls salvation. That to me means that we are responsible for what we hear across the pulpit, as well as what we read in the books and DVDs that we purchase. I believe that any man who says you should not question him, and you should believe him simply because of his position should be left alone. As one pastor once told me, "Those who are bothered by questions, are almost without exception, people who have something to hide".
If you are ready to think, I welcome you, if you have questions, I say lets explore them together in the light of the word of God.